The development, maintenance, and designing of software are referred to as software engineering. Learn to code, if you want to become a software engineer.
Numerous e-learning platforms offer engineering degrees to individuals aspiring to become software engineers. These platforms allow you to learn software engineering from top universities and institutions. Online learning is very convenient for individuals as it can be done according to learners’ ease and convenience. The websites have access to various online learning videos which can be watched for an unlimited time.
Through online learning, an individual has many more options to choose from. Those who are going to learn to code, can choose to start from beginner level, or if that individual already possesses the knowledge, then an advanced course can be selected.
After acquiring a software engineering degree from a well-reputed website, an individual can get placed at a good company. According to some sources, a person with a software engineering degree can earn an average salary of $115,000 every year.
The websites offer basic to advanced level courses. Some courses are specially designed for particular topics. The courses consist of online learning videos as well as notes. The individuals are expected to learn from them and take assessments at the end of each course.
Some popular courses available online are on the following topics:
Computer Science Essentials for Software Development
Software Development
Software Engineering: Introduction
Software Engineering: Essentials
Automated Software Testing
Introduction to DevOps: Transforming and Improving Operations
Fundamentals of Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Finding accurate online courses can be a challenging task. Therefore, having in-depth knowledge about all the websites and the certifications provided by them is very important. Try Get Me A Course or elitelearning.io for an exhaustive listing of online courses for software engineering.
According to experts, people who have acquired online certifications are equally talented and hardworking as people who don’t have online certifications.
The following is a list of three great websites which are suitable for students who want to take up software engineering online:
MIT OpenCourseWare: MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) runs this website on which it provides free engineering courses for students to choose from.
GitHub: It is one of the best sources to gain knowledge from. Apart from the degree, the students can interact with programmers
Codecademy: This is one of the most innovative websites offering courses related to software engineering.
Apart from these, multiple e-learning platforms have excellent courses related to software engineering. Individuals can choose courses according to their preferences and prosper in their fields of interest with the help of these e-learning platforms!