Massive Open Online Courses or MOOCs were introduced in 2006 and became popular by late 2012. Open access and unlimited participation are the USPs of MOOCs. A standard MOOC course contains learning aids such as videos, readings, and lesson-based problems for students to solve.

MOOC students can interact with qualified people according to their needs. The availability of interactive courses along with a support community ensures that users get immediate feedback regarding their curriculum and assignments.

Here are some quick pointers to create a MOOC course in as little time as 60 days.

Content Definition

The first step in creating a MOOC is to create a basic structure of the course. Create a framework that contains all the content you want to cover. Then divide this content into chapters or sections. Use visual aids to help tell your story better. You can even add a video of yourself or a designated expert explaining each chapter.

The duration of the class or chapter should only be of a maximum of one hour. Doing so engages the curiosity of the student and prevents boredom. The course may last up to 4 weeks.


Production is one of the crucial stages of MOOC creation. Now is the time to make decisions regarding the format of the presentation. This platform became a success due to the high rates of audience engagement. The content presented could be through video streaming, hangouts, and even Wikipedia-style articles.

Using explanatory videos is the most preferred form, which can be made even with the help of a simple webcam. Adding transitions or graphics will aid in user engagement. If you feel camera-shy, you can use the services of someone else. The presentation, however, must be authentic.

Technical Integration

Some of the courses require the help of professionals to explain concepts accurately. The services of a specialist in that particular field could be useful.

After achieving the required format, use the services of beta testers to help remove bugs, if any.

You are now ready to add your course to the required platform!


Begin your PR campaign by creating awareness about your work. Announce the introduction of the course through various media. Use methods like social media and small teaser videos. The whole purpose of this activity is to increase the number of registrations for your MOOC.

Highlight the various fascinating points throughout the course. Make sure to introduce engaging mediums to reduce the dropout rates. Exhibit the success stories of multiple applicants to generate additional press.

Course Overview

Results should be reviewed and analyzed once the duration of the course has ended. Gather the data on completion of the course and determine the maintenance of the expected standards.

The feedback obtained includes the number of students, course completion rate, interaction quality, and so on. Use this as feedback to further improve your work.

All set?  Go forth and create a unique learning experience!