How to learn about medicine online ?
Online medical courses are designed to enable students to gain medical knowledge from a distance. Knowledge in various fields in medicine like nursing, EMT, etc., can be acquired through these medical courses. Online medical courses may be general, like anatomy and physiology, or specific like those dealing with healthcare informatics, patient transportation, and so on.
Let us take a look at some of these courses.
General Human Anatomy Course: The course provides the students with a brief introduction to human anatomy. The various systems like muscular, reproductive, nervous, etc., their interactions, form the core curriculum.
Medical Terminology Course: This course familiarizes students with the basic terminology of medicine. Terminology relating to drugs, medical treatments, scholarly and general programs are taught in these courses.
Emergency Medical TEchnician (EMT Course): The course makes the students proficient to begin working as EMTs. It also prepares students for pursuing paramedical courses. The online course makes use of interactive teaching methods, computer assignments, and electronic textbooks, for teaching.
Medical Physiology Course: The course teaches students everything about human physiology. It is inclusive of study on various human organ systems. It covers homeostasis, cellular chemistry, signaling mechanisms, etc.
Various institutes in India and around the world offer e-learning medicine courses. One of them includes Medvarsity. It offers more than 140 courses for nurses, doctors, and general medical enthusiasts. It offers courses like a masterclass in medical emergencies online. The masterclass is a course designed to help doctors working or aiming to work at Emergency departments in hospitals. Medvarsity works in collaboration with various medical institutions in India and abroad.
John Hopkins is another university that offers online health courses. They include a series of undergraduate and graduate classes. The classes cover issues in public health, the various changes in the delivery of health care, and different ethical challenges. Some of their courses are Introduction to Health Policy, Ethical issues in Public Health, Managed Care and Health Insurance, Population Change and Public Health, etc.
Online medical courses are also available at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The institute offers an undergraduate class called Comparative Health Policy. The course analyses the system of healthcare in the United States, its successes, challenges, and prospects. It offers a comparative study of other countries’ health systems with America. It includes the study of the problems that affect health care delivery. The students can download the lecture notes as a part of the class.
Online medical courses ensure that those who cannot study medicine in the traditional way can study in this way.